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*詳細 [#Gloves]
|&ref(gloves_01.png,nolink,160%);|Page Gloves|The leather is falling apart at the seams.|
|&ref(gloves_02.png,nolink,160%);|Peddler Mitts|They're warm, but don't offer much else.|
|&ref(gloves_03.png,nolink,160%);|Apprentice Gloves|It bears the sigil of some forgotten mage academy.|
|&ref(gloves_04.png,nolink,160%);|Fighter's Gloves|They're thickly padded with leather and reinforced with bandages.|
|&ref(gloves_05.png,nolink,160%);|Knight Gauntlets|Every knight who wields a sword needs also to protect their hands.|
|&ref(gloves_06.png,nolink,160%);|Thief Gloves|The almost-sticky fingertips of these gloves have incredible grip.|
|&ref(gloves_07.png,nolink,160%);|Mystic Gloves|These gloves are socketed with elemental stones to help channel magic.|
|&ref(gloves_08.png,nolink,160%);|Gladiator Gloves|The thick backplates on these gloves can deflect steel, and even arrows.|
|&ref(gloves_09.png,nolink,160%);|Crusader Gloves|Forged by a master blacksmith, then blessed by a high priest.|
|&ref(gloves_10.png,nolink,160%);|Rogue Gloves|The hidden pocket on these gloves can be used to store lockpicks or a tiny blade.|
|&ref(gloves_11.png,nolink,160%);|Voodoo Gloves|The eyes on these gloves only blink when their wearer does.|
|&ref(gloves_12.png,nolink,160%);|Savage Gloves|Crafted from the thick fur of a monstrous yeti.|
|&ref(gloves_13.png,nolink,160%);|Champion Gauntlets|Despite its age, somehow it gleams as if new.|
|&ref(gloves_14.png,nolink,160%);|Master Thief Gloves|Wearing these gloves bestows a supernatural dexterity.|
|&ref(gloves_15.png,nolink,160%);|Sage Gloves|Magic artificers can spend weeks infusing such gloves with magic.|
|&ref(gloves_16.png,nolink,160%);|Dragon Slayer Gloves|Inpenetrable protection against the fiercest fires known to man.|