| Fire Wand | A tool which converts magic charges into balls of fire. |
炎の杖 | 魔力を炎の球に変換する道具。 |
| Ice Wand | A tool which converts magic charges into shards of ice. |
氷の杖 | 魔力を氷の破片に変換する道具。 |
| Lightning Wand | A tool which converts magic charges into electricity. The device appears to be magically grounded. |
雷の杖 | 魔力を電気に変換する道具。魔術的にアースするらしい。 |
| Wand of Pestilence | A tool which converts magic charges into particularly foul toxic clouds. |
疫病の杖 | 魔力を強烈な毒の雲に変換する道具 |
| Wand of Healing | A tool which conjures magical healing orbs. |
回復の杖 | 魔法の回復オーブを呼び出す道具。 |
| Wand of Digging | A tool which uses magic charges to dismantle terrain. |
掘削の杖 | 魔力を使って地形を分解する道具。 |
| Wand of Chaos | A tool which converts magic charges into unpredictable effects. Dangerous to the unlucky. |
混沌の杖 | 魔力を予測不能な効果に変換する道具。運が悪いと危険をもたらす。 |